Benefits of Vitamin C Serum

It’s time to take charge of your skin! Clinical tests show that Vitamin C serum prominent skin beauty by an average of 40% after just 10 days of use. Regardless of whether you’re 25 or 55, the serum can provide the youthfulness that you’ve been craving.


Vitamin C serums are a great way to fight age marks and protect your skin from environmental damage. The research reveals that you can help your skin fight the signs of aging and rejuvenate it to look and feel like new with a this.


This article may take 5 minutes, but in the end, you will know details related to Vitamin C serum. So, you can pick your one without any ambiguity!

What is Vitamin C Serum?

Vitamin C serums are liquid solutions that help improve your skin’s health. It is a liquid rich in vitamin C, which aids in the renewal of the skin. This serum is also known as an antioxidant, and it can help fight free radicals that may cause damage to the skin.


Vitamin C is great for all skin types, but you should use them with caution if you have sensitive or dry skin. If you are new to this type of product, it is recommended that you start with a small amount and see how your skin reacts before using it more often. You should also avoid this serum if you wear contact lenses or have allergies or sensitivities to ingredients in the serum, such as fragrances or alcohol.

Why is Vitamin Serum Important?

Vitamin C serum is a skincare product that uses vitamin C as its main ingredient. The high concentration of vitamin C in the product makes it a popular choice for people with sensitive skin or acne-prone skin.


Vitamin serums are the latest advancement in anti-wrinkle and skin regeneration technology. The serum utilizes a groundbreaking formula with exclusive ingredients like Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and sodium hyaluronate to rejuvenate your skin.


You can use an age-defying serum, a moisturizer, and a makeup primer. But Vitamin C is one of the most powerful natural ingredients that can improve your skin in ways you never imagined.

The vitamin C with fruit acids like lemon and orange create a potent antioxidant-rich solution that will help you achieve your best skin ever.

What is the optimal vitamin C serum concentration?

It’s concentration differ based on the skin type and intended results. To determine the optimal vitamin C serum concentration, we should look at the concentration of other ingredients in the serum. 

If there are other antioxidants in the formula, then it is likely that vitamin C will be present at a higher concentration than if there are no other antioxidants present. The optimal concentration of vitamin c in this serum is 20%.


The most common type of Vitamin serum has 10% Vitamin C in it. But some serums have higher concentrations of Vitamin C, like 15%. 


A new study found that a 20% concentration of vitamin C could provide better protection than 10%. These higher concentrations are more effective at fighting free radicals in the skin and improving collagen production.

Vitamin C Face Serum

Vitamin Serum For your Skin Type:

Antioxidants are great for adding to the skin, and vitamin C serums are wonderful for adding them. If your skin is different, you will need a different serum. For example, if you have dry or sensitive skin, you have to avoid Vitamin C serums with alcohol in them.

Oily Skin:

Vitamin C serum with LAA( L Ascorbic Acid) is perfect for oily skin. As oily skin needs a high concentration of Vitamin C, then check this one ingredient while buying the serum. High concentration may cause irritation or itchy. Therefore, take a rain check with one drop of it on your palm. If it goes well, use one to two drops at the start. Once your skin gets used to it, increase the number of drops to 3-4.

Dry and Sensitive Skin:

The Vitamin C Serum with magnesium ascorbyl phosphate is ideal for dry or sensitive skin. The low concentration of Vitamin C in this serum prevents dry or sensitive skin from itching or redness. This serum provides the required result slowly but is long-lasting.

Normal Skin:

The serum containing hydronic acid, vitamin E, and vitamin C go well with normal skin. The hydronic acid sucks the extra moisture and moves deep into the skin layer. This vitamin C serum will replenish and hydrate the skin.

Where to keep Vitamin Serum?

Placing vitamin C serum in the right place is as important as using a serum. Vitamin C serum is a skincare product best stored away from air, light, or heat. Keeping it in an opaque container is important to maintain the serum’s potency. 


This serum should be kept in a refrigerator and away from direct sunlight as this can cause vitamin C degradation. The cupboard, beauty safe, or dark place is also the right pick. Or choose the dark bottle of vitamin C serum.

Patch test| Before serum

Patch testing is an effective way to determine if you’re allergic or not. It is also a good way to see if the product will affect you positively or negatively.

Before using serum, do a patch test. For this, apply serum below the ear or forearm. Then leave it for a night or 12 hours. After a particular time, remove it with a wet wipe or water. Now notice that area. If skin appears smooth and has no rashes, then congrats, you can use it!

But if there are red marks or messing up, throw it in a basket or give your friend who has normal skin.

How to use Vitamin C serum?

Taking serum, putting it on hand, and apply on the face is wrong!

It’s not as simple as you may imagine using vitamin C serum. It requires proper steps and direction. Here we spill the beans of using Vitamin C serum:

Step 1: Wash The Face

Before applying serum, wash your face with whatever cleanser you have on hand or a cleanser appropriate for your skin type. Apply it in the directions or ways written on the back of the cleanser. 

Do massage with the cleanser, keep on face for 1-2 minutes, then rinse off the face with water.


Step 2: Dry The Face

After washing, take a fresh or new cloth or towel. Move this piece from head to neck to dry the face. Also, you can wet the towel, then pat it on the face to clean dirt and then take a dry one to soak water completely.   

Step 3: Apply Toner

After drying the face, apply a tonner. If you have a tonner in your house, go ahead with it.

If not, choose a tonner that contains hydroxy acids, AHA, or BHA as one of its ingredients.


Hydroxy acids and AHA or BHA (in lower concentration) make vitamin C effective on the skin by lowering the pH value of skin cells.

Step 4: Apply Serum

Take 3-4 drops of the serum. One for the chin, one for the forehead, and two for both cheeks. Pour drops with the help of a dropper directly on the face. Massage and pat your face gently with your fingertips. It will help the serum to move down into the skin.

 After its application, you may feel serum sticky, but it gets normal within 20 seconds of absorption.

If your skin feels tingling, it’s normal during the first 1-2 weeks. Consult a dermatologist if you are experiencing severe irritation.

Yes, there is a solution for sensitive skin. In this scenario, dilute the vitamin C serum with any moisturizer. Take 2 drops of serum and a pea-sized moisturizer. Mix them on the palm and use them on the face.

The best way to use this product is to apply it twice a day for 30 days to see the results you want.

Step 5: Apply Moisturizer

After the serum, apply moisturizer on the face. Or apply the eye cream under the eyes. It may use in the morning as well as at night. Use in the morning with sunscreen and alone at bedtime.

Light and oxygen can oxidize Vitamin C. The contact of Vitamin C in the bottle with air or any light may spoil the serum. So, it is necessary to keep it in your beauty box for 1 month after opening the cap. After that, if you see its color get dark, then discard it.

Benefits Of Vitamin C Serum:

Are you aware that free radicals can harm your skin?

Yes, the essential oils and minerals naturally present on the face suffer! The rays from the sun, smoke, air pollution, daily stress help the free radicals to make a room on your face. These free radicals cause skin inflammation or imbalance the skin’s natural shine.


  • Vitamin C serum protects the skin from environmental damage while lowering melanin production for a more youthful appearance.
  • It helps fight free radicals and prevent skin damage, wrinkles, and age spots by defending and repairing skin cells
  • Vitamin C provides antioxidant defense against free radicals and anti-aging effects. 
  •  The powerful anti-aging properties include improved hydration and skin tone, healthy collagen production, and reduced wrinkles.
  • It helps in boosting collagen production, acting as an antioxidant, and reducing skin pigmentation.

Side Effects Of Serum:

With the rise in popularity of Vitamin C serums, it is important to know what to expect when using the Serum. There are different reactions that people can experience while using a Vitamins serum. The skin does not easily absorb vitamin C, so some people experience side effects such as redness, itching, or skin irritation up to the neck. 

Some may experience a slight burning or tingling sensation, while others might not experience any skin irritation at all. Stop using it and seek medical help in case of continued burning or signs of an allergic reaction. 


Quick Tips:

  • Pick Vitamins serum that contains no parabens, petroleum, mineral oils, chemicals, and artificial fragrances.
  • Use Vitamins C Serum with vitamin A because antioxidants boost collagen production and supple the skin cells. 
  • Avoid using skin care products that have AHA ingredients ( glycolic acid, ascorbic acid, salicylic acid) in high concentration with Vitamin C. In this case, the product may react to the skin and cause blemishes on the skin. If AHA or BHA ingredients are present in a concentration lower than 5, then no worries!
  • Use it only on the unbroken skin, and in case of irritation, don’t use it.
  • Avoid contact with the eyes and keep out of the children’s reach.

To get all these benefits in one package, check out the Blemiviv Vitamin C Face serum. Now the ball is in your court, whether to make a sixer by buying this organic serum or get nothing with no-ball.

Vitamin C Serum: Your Pick From Market

Does your skin type require Vitamin C serum? Which serum to pick if you have uneven skin tone, wrinkles, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and skin feels dry or lost hydration? 

Try Blemiviv Vitamin C serum for a 10-day trial period. Learn about the revolutionary anti-aging properties that provide a more youthful appearance with every application so you can finally say goodbye to dull, aging skin.


It’s normal for skin to be dry as we age. One of the ways to combat skin issues is with a good serum. Receive the anti-aging benefits of Vitamin C plus all the skincare benefits like hydration and improving collagen production.

Vitamin C Serum eliminates wrinkles and age spots, and find your new non-wrinkle version. The vitamin C with Hyaluronic Acid cuts wrinkles in half and improves your skin’s appearance by absorption, strengthening the collagen. The quick absorption formula of serums won’t leave a sticky residue for smooth skin.

 The powerful anti-aging properties include improved skin tone, reduced wrinkles, and skin-splitting lines. You can apply serum and see for yourself the amazing results in a matter of weeks!